
Hair loss is a common issue faced by many, especially men. While numerous treatments and remedies are available, some men opt for a simple, quick fix: wearing a toupee. A toupee is a hairpiece or partial wig that covers up baldness or thinning hair. However, wearing a toupee involves more than just placing it on your head. Like any other wearable, it requires proper care and maintenance to ensure safety and prolong its lifespan. Here is a comprehensive guide on health and safety guidelines for men wearing a toupee.

Choosing the Right Toupee

The first step towards ensuring safety and health while wearing a toupee is selecting the right one. Always opt for a high-quality toupee, as cheaper ones can cause discomfort and potential skin problems. Consider your hair type, color, and the size of the area where the toupee will be placed. Don’t forget about comfort, as you’ll be wearing this hairpiece for long hours.

1. Material

The material of the toupee plays a significant role in your comfort and safety. Toupees are generally made from human hair, synthetic materials, or a blend of both. Human hair toupees look more natural and are easier to style but are more expensive. On the other hand, synthetic toupees are budget-friendly but may not offer the same natural look or feel.

2. Size and Fit

The toupee should fit perfectly on your head to avoid slipping or discomfort. A toupee that is too tight can cause headaches, while one that is too loose can easily fall off. A professional can help you measure your head to ensure the correct fit.

3. Color

Choosing the right color for your toupee is important. Ideally, it should match your natural hair color. A mismatched toupee can draw attention, defeating the purpose of wearing one.

Proper Application of the Toupee

The application process is another crucial aspect of wearing a toupee safely. Applying it incorrectly can lead to skin irritation or damage to the hairpiece.

1. Scalp Preparation

Before applying the toupee, clean your scalp thoroughly. This removes any oil or dirt that can interfere with the adhesive. After cleaning, dry your scalp completely to ensure the adhesive sticks properly.

2. Applying the Adhesive

Apply the adhesive evenly on the toupee base or your scalp, depending on the type of toupee and adhesive. Avoid using too much adhesive, as this can seep through the hairpiece and create a mess.

3. Placing the Toupee

After the adhesive becomes sticky, place the toupee on your scalp. Start from the front and move towards the back, ensuring it is positioned correctly. Press gently but firmly to secure the toupee.

Toupee Maintenance

Proper maintenance of your toupee is essential for both health and safety.

1. Regular Cleaning

Like natural hair, toupees also accumulate dirt and oil. Regular cleaning not only maintains its appearance but also extends its lifespan. However, avoid using harsh shampoos or conditioners as these can damage the hairpiece.

2. Storage

When not in use, store your toupee in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Sunlight can fade the color of the toupee, while moisture can cause mildew.

Health Considerations

Although toupees are generally safe, it’s important to monitor your scalp health regularly.

1. Skin Irritation

Some men may experience skin irritation from the adhesive used to secure the toupee. If you notice any redness, itching, or swelling, remove the toupee immediately and consult a dermatologist.

2. Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions to toupee materials or adhesives can also occur. Symptoms can range from mild itching to severe rashes. If you have sensitive skin, it’s recommended to do a patch test before wearing a toupee.


Wearing a toupee can be a great solution for men dealing with hair loss. However, it’s important to follow these health and safety guidelines to ensure a comfortable and safe experience. Remember, a toupee is not just a fashion accessory but an investment in your appearance and self-confidence. So, take the time to choose the right one and maintain it properly.